Acne Scars Best Treatment in Mumbai, India | Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing - Dr. Rinky Kapoor

2015-02-19 120

Carbon Dioxide Laser Skin Resurfacing is the best treatment for removal of acne scars and curing acne scarred skin. In this video, we present a patient review & patient testimonial of one of our patients with acne and acne scars, who underwent the best treatment for acne scars - The Carbon Dioxide Laser Skin Resurfacing - with top cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Rinky Kapoor, in Mumbai, India.

Acne and pimples bother most people at some point in their lives. Inflammatory acne heal with scarring. Acne scars can undermine the facial skin and undermine your looks. Until recently, the choices for acne scars were procedures like dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. While microdermabrasion hardly works in terms of reducing and removing acne scars effectively, dermabrasion can cause unacceptable skin scarring and pigmentation itself.

The Carbon Dioxide laser (CO2 laser) is an ablative laser. Ablative lasers go deeper into the skin, beyond the epidermis-dermis junction. By going deep, they cause collagenesis (collagen formation) in the dermis. This CO2 laser also resurfaces the skin and therefore reveals younger looking, smoother skin from beneath the scarred layers of skin. This is very similar to what is achieved by polishing of furniture, when the furniture has irregularities on the surface.

Since the carbon dioxide laser treatment goes deep into the skin, it does cause more redness and swelling in the skin than other lasers. But, then is that not what you want? If a laser is non-ablative and does not go deep, yes it will not cause redness and edema, but it will also not be that effective, then what is the use of getting laser done in the first place? The new CO2 lasers are all fractional in nature - Fractional CO2 lasers leave islands of normal skin in between the resurfaced skin and this encourages earlier healing than the traditional CO2 lasers. You should expect redness and skin swelling to last approximately 5 - 7 days.

Costs of fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing are very reasonable. After all, what really is the cost of having beautiful skin, which transforms your face and your life? Costs of CO2 laser in India are approximately 1/ 5th the costs of CO2 laser skin resurfacing in the US or Europe.

Here is the Review (patient testimonials) of One of our Patients Maria from Germany, who underwent fractional carbon dioxide laser skin resurfacing treatment for her acne scars. She had active acne, which was treated with medicines. Once the pimples subsided, she underwent CO2 laser skin resurfacing. All the tratments were performed by celebrity cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Rinky Kapoor, at The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai, India. Look at her smooth skin now.

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